Lawrence Jackowiak
Something I’m Very Proud Of…
Building the vibrant and creative core of our office. Through hard work and strategic planning, I have been able to realize my vision of all around excellence in a law firm. That begins with the people who work here, and we have the very best. I’m also proud of this website. I prepared the content and created the design. The chess pieces and boards are from my collector’s sets at home.
What I Love About My Work…
As the senior attorney and supervisor, a lot of my work is being a teacher, and it’s really rewarding to watch the young lawyers in the office grow and succeed. I also love the satisfaction of knowing that we have worked extremely hard on every case that we have taken, and helped thousands obtain justice. In many of our cases we represent the completely powerless against the most powerful, those victories are the most gratifying. When I leave my office, I know that I’ve spent the day working for the greater good.
Hobbies And Interests
Hobbies and Interests: Hockey, photography, international travel, architecture, writing, chess, cinema, theatre, Chicago history and culture, European history and culture, ethnic cuisine, Chicago Blackhawks, making the perfect cheeseburger.
People I’d like to Meet
Mike Royko, Slats Grobnik, Mark Twain, Albert Einstein, William Shakespeare, Thomas Paine, Marie Sklodowska Curie, Antoni Gaudí, Plato, Casimir Pulaski, Ludwig van Beethoven, Jane Addams, Oscar Wilde, Thurgood Marshall, Clarence Darrow, Leo Tolstoy, Frida Kahlo, Eric Nesterenko, Frank Lloyd Wright, anybody without a famous name who sacrifices and strives for social justice and a fairer society.
Favorite Quote:
“History is replete with the struggle for human rights, an eternal struggle in which final victory always eludes us. Yet to tire in that struggle would mean to bring about the destruction of society.” Albert Einstein.
If I Weren’t a Lawyer, I’d Be
A high school history teacher and hockey coach.