Can You Claim Workers’ Compensation for Carpel Tunnel Syndrome in Illinois?
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a type of overuse injury that is common among employees who type on computers and perform other repetitive tasks on a daily basis. Estimates put the number of cases of carpal tunnel syndrome in the United States at more than three million per year, with most patients falling between age 18 and the age of retirement. If you are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, can you file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits? If your condition is work-related and you otherwise qualify for benefits, the answer is most likely, “Yes.” Other similar types of injuries can qualify for workers’ compensation coverage as well, and obtaining an accurate diagnosis will be one of the first steps on the road to physical and financial recovery. When to Seek Treatment and Compensation for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal tunnel syndrome is the medical term for a pinched nerve in the wrist. It is most-commonly the result of swelling in the wrist due to persistent or repetitive bending, which causes compression of the median nerve. The median nerve passes through the carpal tunnel, which is a narrow passage in the wrist that also houses the ligaments and tendons that allow for movement of the hand and fingers. When the median nerve is compressed (or “pinched”), this can cause symptoms including: Tingling or numbness in the fingers or hand An “electric shock” feeling in the fingers, possibly traveling up the arm Weakness, particularly of the pinching muscles in the thumb If you […]